Calendar Archive

November 2022

GMA 11/18/22

During the GMA, members get to discuss and decide on the association's course, but also have fun writing motions they wish to see implemented. Come to see for yourself how it goes!

Dies Natalis - FMF Birthday Party! 11/11/22

Have fun shooting your friends with NERF guns, then come back to the FMF room after for cake!

October 2022

Halloween Kamerborrel 10/28/22

Spooky but gezellig! THIS Kamerborrel will be the BEST Halloween activity you will EVER witness!

Call of Cthulhu- At the Buildings of Madness 10/25/22

"As you come to the NB4 for nice Borrel event, no one else is there and a student has gone missing. They are somewhere here, but will you be able to get to them first or has whatever is lurking in the dark already taken them?"

Kids Kamerborrel 10/21/22

No Gratis Bier??? But why??

Kloktoberfest 10/19/22

Can you build the highest Klok tower?

Pumpkin Carving 10/12/22

Come kick off Halloween by carving pumpkins with us!

LES: Tamás Görbe 10/5/22

An Elementary Proof of Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion

T-GMA 10/4/22

its transferin' time baybee

September 2022

YER LinkedIn training 9/27/22

Do you want to learn how LinkedIn can help you increase and professionalize your visibility online? Then this is the activity for you! You will learn tricks and tips while eating a free pizza!