October 2015
Felicitatieborrel 10/21/15
By now the 57th board has been installed. To celebrate this, we organise the "felicitatieborrel" this Wednesday. Here you will have the possibility to congratulate the new board while enjoying some (free) drinks.
Squash tournament 10/16/15
Because of the success of last year, the Sportcie has decided to recreate the Squash tournament! Bigger, better, faster and more awesome than last year! Join the tournament and squash your enemies!
kamerborrel 10/15/15
Come to the NSFW(FMF-room) and join us for social drinks after the committee info hour.
committee info hour 10/15/15
Learn more about FMF committees and become awesome!
Lunch lecture Nedap 10/15/15
-- This event is in Dutch -- Nedap is a manufacturer of intelligent technological solutions for relevant themes. Sufficient food for a growing population, clean drinking water throughout the world, smart network sustainable energy are just a couple of examples of themes Nedap is working on. During this lecture, titled "wearables for cows: how to turn data into profits", an expert will elaborate on their approach to Livestock Management.
NIXX Bios | The Imitation Game 10/14/15
This month's Nixx-bios presents: The Imitation Game! Come and see this fantastic movie about Alan Turing's life this Wednesday at 18:00!
Catch up session Calculus 1 10/8/15
Are you lagging behind in Calculus 1? Take your work with you and come and catch up! Students will be there to answer your questions. You can sign up for pizza at the NFSW until 13.00 o'clock on the 8th of October. Pizza costs €5,-
Prominent in de Tent 10/6/15
The annual party in collaboration with 10 other study associations from Groningen. Only 19 euros for unlimited beer, wine and soda! This year's theme is "Comics and Cartoons", so dig up your best costume and join us! Sign up at the list at the NSFW or send an e-mail to bestuur@fmf.nl.
Catch up session Quantum Physics 1 10/6/15
Are you lagging behind in Quantum Physics? Take your work with you and come and catch up! Tutorial assistants will be there to answer your questions. You can sign up for pizza at the NFSW until 13.00 o'clock on the 6th of October. Pizza costs €5,-
Excursion to GSI and CERN 10/4/15
Five days full of tours around groups and experiments at these famous institutes!