About the Foundation GBE-FMF
The Foundation GBE-FMF is responsible for the organization of trips abroad. Before 2014 these were only the intercontinental trips, but since 2014 this has been generalized to excursions destined outside the Netherlands. The intercontinental trips are organized under the name “Grote Buitenlandse Excursie (GBE)”; the trips to destinations outside the Netherlands but within Europe are known as the “Kleine Buitenlandse Excursie (KBE)”. More information about the GBE and KBE can be found in the menu on the left.
Both excursions alternate each other and are biennial. By joining the GBE and/or KBE FMF members will be exposed to different cultures. An important goal of the study trip is to give an impression on the state of affairs of science research and education outside the Netherlands. The trip’s program consists of scientific activities (about two-third of the time) and of cultural activities (about one-third of the time).
In the past study trips have been organised to places such as South Korea and Taiwan (Orange Tigers '07), São Paulo and Buenos Aires (Iguazú '09), Sydney and Melbourne (Cookaburra '11), Cape Town and Pretoria, South Africa (Simba '13) and Singapore and Indonesia (Nésos '15). The most recent trip was the GBE to Japan (Dejima '17) in April 2017. The first KBE under the supervision of the Foundation GBE-FMF took place in 2014 in Dresden and Vienna (Schrödinger '14) and was followed by a study trip to Tallinn and St. Petersburg (Mendeleev '16).
More information about these excursions can be found in the menu on the left. There you can also download the different travel reports.
Tasks of the Foundation GBE-FMF
Though the actual organization of the study trips is the job of the KBE and GBE committees, the Foundation is ultimately responsible for the entire trip and its finances. The Foundation consists of FMF members who have previously organized either a KBE or GBE, meaning a lot of experience and knowledge is brought together within the Foundation. Its tasks are the recruiting, advising, structuring, monitoring and evaluation of the committee.
Board of the Foundation
The board of the Foundation GBE-FMF consists of the following persons:
Martijn Oudshoorn - Chairman
Lianne de Jonge - Secretary
Thomas van Belle - Treasurer
Bas Schoonbeek - Vice-chairman
Martijn Kluitenberg - General board member
Contact information
For more information, questions or comments we can be contacted at:
t.n.v. Stichting GBE-FMF
Nijenborgh 4
9747 AG Groningen
T: 050 363 4948
E: reisbureau@fmf.nl
KvK: 41012560